Hello there...

I'm Neeta.  Nutritionist specialising in weight loss,

gut health and hormone balancing 

You aren’t alone in struggling to get rid of extra weight, persistent fatigue, unstoppable cravings and belly bloating. 

Growing up, I wanted to create something of value, not just for me, but for others as well.

Throughout my life, I have always had a strong drive to succeed and better myself. As someone who open to new concepts, constantly eager to learn and explore, I have always held the belief that there are better ways to achieve tasks efficiently. This mindset has not only allowed me to save time as a busy mother of two, but also pushes me to consistently seek better results with every endeavor and think outside the box.

From my transition as a business consultant in a highly demanding financial institution to becoming an entrepreneur and then a Nutritionist, a consistent driving force has been my aspiration to improve my overall state of well-being.  

I realised quickly while I was studying to become a Nutritionist, that our bodies as women are complicated and following cookie cutter diets, consuming meal replacement shakes, cutting out food groups and doing high intensity exercises was only causing us more harm - both physically and emotionally.  

To achieve sustainable weight loss, women need to understand that food gives energy, nourishes cells, balances hormones, and supports gut health. The manner in which our bodies retain fat is greatly influenced by stress and emotional factors.

Creating the Empowerment Program

According to the Boston Medical Centre, the diet industry generated a total revenue of US$72.6 billion in 2023. Instead of promoting nourishment, diets tend to emphasize deprivation. Moreover, diets fail to educate women on how to eat according to their body's present requirements, rather than following the advice of an influencer in her 20s.  

When women struggle to maintain their weight loss, they often experience feelings of shame and guilt, which can ultimately contribute to a negative perception of their own body.

Studies are presented to women, demonstrating that by adhering to specific diets, buying protein bars/meals replacement, or engaging in high intensity workouts, they can achieve a certain amount of weight loss. These studies often fail to mention that their findings are primarily focused on weight loss in men, rather than women.


This is when I realised that weight loss for women goes beyond couting calories, following restrictive and cookie cutter diets and shaming yourself for not losing weight. Instead i has to do with balancing your hormones, increasing your metabolism and releasing emotional patterns which are not serving you.

This was my turning point.

Using this understanding, I created an exclusive program supported by two decades of scientific research on women's health. The Empowerment Program surpasses mere weight loss, as it not only reduces cravings and kickstarts metabolism, but also harmonizes hormones, enhances gut health, and aids in letting go of old emotional patterns that no longer serve you.

I started to see amazing results myself. Soon, friends and family asked how I had managed to lose 18 pounds in just three months.

I knew I had to help other women.

Using scientifically proven methods to get your body back in balance and to your desired weigh and incorporating emotional support and shifting their mindset was crucial.

This is the piece missing from other weight loss programs, one that addresses the issues women face. This gives women the tools to support themselves to stop emotional eating, change their eating habits, stop feeling guilty around food and gain the confidence to maintain the weight they have lost.

The success of my clients comes from personalised programs, not one cookie-cutter solution or groups coaching.  

The Empowered Program works.

Not only did I lose my own muffin top and double chin, I have also helped hundreds just like you get the weight off without having to sacrifice their lifestyle. Now I work with other health-conscious women to uncover their unique barriers to weight loss, so they can permanently shed that extra weight, get excited to look in the mirror again and feel connected with their body.  

My own personal commitment and transformational journey is the reason my clients get powerful results.  

Learn more about this unique program and try it yourself! Or, read the rave reviews about the satisfying successes others have had.

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